Sunday, May 1, 2011

And it all started when...

So I had an idea to start posting pictures of the classrooms wall art.  It is something that I really enjoy doing.  I have worked with children since the beginning of time... I started at the Boys and Girls Club, and after 6 long years there I thought "hmm...  I wonder what it would be like to not work with kids... "  So I got a job working at a mortgage company, well that was a super short experience for me, for one thing, I was horrible at it, and another thing, I missed working with kids.

So I went merrily on my way, and found another position at the YMCA, what can I say, I love non-profits.  And after about 2 1/2 years I got a teaching position in Costa Rica teaching kindergarten at a private school... best experience of my entire life!
Long story short, I moved back home and now work for a head start program for a school district.

I think I got most of my creative genes from my mom...

See, she is goofy just like me...

But at least I have fun!

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