Thursday, March 22, 2012

Planting a seed

We planted peas in clear cups to watch them grow!  We told the kids during our circle time the steps to planting a seed.  Most of the children in our class remembered each step with no reminders!  We also had them put their names onto the cups using stickers with handwritten letters on them, kind of like a name puzzle!
After we planted out seeds, we put them in the window so they got sunshine, and watered the plants.

We put one plant under a box to see if a plant would grow without sunshine!  The class made a T-chart and guessed if the thought if it would grow or not grow, they said it would grow!  Then we made another chart and I wrote down what they thought would happen to the plant that got sunshine and the plant that did not get sunshine, (both plants got water!).  I wrote down exactly what each child said!  It turned out pretty funny and cute!
We also made a poster about the steps to planting a seed and watching it grow.  I drew the pictures that they explained to me, and wrote down what they said for each step.  The last step a little boy came up with was "Pick the red ones and give them to my mom."  SUPER CUTE!

We planted a few more things in our windowsill garden and watched them grow!

I wanted to make an observation board outside the classroom in the hall.  I drew leaves onto white paper and had the kids working on their cutting skills.  Then we mixed green paint and yellow paint to make different shades of green.  I put salt into the paint to add a lot of texture!  It turned out really neat!  I then took the leaves and backed them with construction paper.  We painted large pieces of white paper using paint, glitter, shapes and buttons.  I only put 2 pieces of paper on the table, so the kids had to work together to make their masterpiece.  I cut the paper in the shape of a flower and backed it again.

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